Germ-Man: Brown vs Black:

Sink dispensers (automatic) started in the 80s… they were trained and using humans with paler skin. Before you code or make a framework for a touchscreen device. You have to code for a basic motion sensor. The services we use today are based on papers and studies that are either derivatives or byproducts from that flawed data. They cite each other in order to get funding, support and credibility for acceptance in markets. There are studies that document it (motion sensors on sinks) not accounting for and properly detecting melanated skin well.
The neglect and oversight of the unaccounted variables is alarming. Having the unaccounted variables the from people writing equations in dangerous. The unaccounted variables from those who understand they negatively are affected by specific variables being left out is insane. The unaccounted variables being missed by auditors who pass on the information and data as auditors who fit all prior descriptions as well is UNACCEPTABLE.
As a scientific man with great respect for history and context of events; i don’t subscribe to the concept of race I subscribe to the concept of ethnicity and note the tribalism of humans in context that supersedes “origin.” The science behind computers that are reasonable for light detection, science behind a.i. specifically (as it is called today) has similar implications. The conversion and idea that a specific group of humanoids being inherently smarter, harder working and adapt to completing work here is asinine. The melanated beings whom genetically are, classified within the race concept as Caucasian by genetically… Also happen to be the "product owners". By their logic and “facts” they are more intelligent and have a higher IQ on average. The problem is no one of the who can claim to be different than the creators of the technology culturally, is addressing the issues in the system and its errors it results in. The consequences are, have always been extremely detrimental and exponentially distort hardware, firmware & software.
The Call to Action.
Wake up the history of Computer science and the impact of the melanated people involved specifically the American ones who allowed for it to become what it is today.
2. Create your own databases, data storage & own your content.
Starting with George Washington Carver Who Cannot be separated from: Modern agricultural automation and machinery, which rely on early designs he created for mechanizing farming. We wouldn’t have agricultural machinery without him which allowed people to survive droughts, famine, and have the energy to innovate. People like Mark Dean, Jerry Lawson, Jesse Russel, and
St. Elmo Brady: (whom) Early Physics Simulation would not exist without. Computational tools in physics and engineering, particularly related to simulations of physical systems.
The reason for this is to invigorate our businesses/ organizations that are doing this and people who would like to take back control of IT and the narrative. What we know is that behind the technology we take for granted today is American Negro Descendants.
I asked “Could it be argued that without the contributions of African American technology would have reached its current state (at this rate) purely from the work of other people?”
GPT said it may not have developed:
“it would not be entirely accurate to say that technology would have progressed as it has without the contributions of African Americans. Technological progress is cumulative and collaborative, with advancements often built on the work of many diverse minds. African American scientists, engineers, and inventors played pivotal roles in key areas such as computing, telecommunications, and space exploration, turning theoretical discoveries into practical innovations. Figures like Katherine Johnson, Mark Dean, and Garrett Morgan were instrumental in shaping technologies that are foundational to modern society.
Excluding African American contributions would leave a significant gap in areas such as computing hardware, data analytics, and communication systems. African Americans overcame systemic barriers to make breakthroughs in critical technologies, and without their input, certain innovations would have been delayed or altered. While progress could have continued, the missing contributions would likely have slowed the pace of advancement and created disparities in technological development. Therefore, the development of modern technology is deeply interconnected with the contributions of African Americans alongside those from other global pioneers.”
Organizations like Black Girls code, Lighthouse Portal Inc.’s : Lighthouse Keeper Internship Program and many others were created to center on technology development and education by “Black Americans” American Negroes as I say. More attention and energy needs to be put towards these companies and people. Speed of work= Power in physics and no one is more powerful. To be a power tool or Power Tool/ Resource comes with trouble and need to be responsible. We (those descendants of these peoples) are the most powerful chosen by the Sun itself, so we must protect our energy, creations and narrative! Could say so much more, hope this lifts people up like yourself. I will be highlighting them more going forward. Tune in to the next live stream
Peaceful Wellness & Abundance to you all who read this
Joshua Harris
Copyright Addicted 2 Progress 2024
BY-NC-SA (Permitted to by attrition for non-commercial use for similar or alike)