Why does the "richest country in the world" have a majority of its citizens living check to check? Why aren't more Americans financially litterate?
The truth is no finance class, business class, online course THAT I HAVE SEEN (or heard of) States a very important fact which is : The banks and big corporations don't operate under the same rules and laws as we do. We being the common citizens in every day people.
You organizations get tax breaks, write offs, government, loan, forgiveness, and bail out and operate under a different system of credit and reporting than anyone else.
Weatherby parents, teachers, friends, you have heard "the game is not fair" or "life is not fair." These are true statements, but they don't speak specifically enough for someone to be able to unmask the bogeyman or the monster/the bad guy. None of these academic or educational platforms that I have come across have shown the gathering of clues or how they did it.
The history, and how these mega corporations, multinational organizations and councils were formed, is neglected. Also, we neglect it is the concept of a budget, and how credit truly works. The difference between balancing books And having a deficit, or that you things are, we neglected.
There is a real paradox and a eventual paradigm shift that happens when the students become teachers themselves. The most difficult thing for one to do in the realm of educating and study, is balancing bringing in profits while still doing that. Even more difficult is maintaining a level of respect and hierarchy, so that the message is power or not drowned out by other voices. The most successful teachers are ones were able to put their ego to the side, and not rely on the success of the sales and payment for the knowledge and information.
Going back to the financial literacy portion this is very key and understanding that there is a illusion that takes place because as we have seen in recent times millions, and even trillions of funds go on accounted for from the largest institutions in the world federal governments. If they are capable of losing track of funds, and miss managing funds than people do not live in the same amount of bills, or rather, they shit, their guilt and attention to holding people accountable, and taking proper account of where things are or are not. The allocation is much more precise; today though churches, Democrats and Republicans create a versus conversations to distract people from asking the right questions. Intentionally or not this is what happens and this Is irrefutable.
You can never be truly literary if you don't read "the books" when I say the books, I don't mean all books, I mean see the end, converses expense, P&L statements, for the business is or the revenue versus spending for the specific organization.
Have taken several of these classes in the past. I haven't had many lectures and conversations from those world wealthy buy more standards. In terms of finances I have never had anyone explain to me the role of a treasurer vs a trustee vs a CFO vs a delegate vs CEO vs CMO versus a purchasing manager these things are typically left out because they don't have importance to the everyday person.
We often try to do "sequential" education opposed to holistic education. Top down or bottom up education opposed to big picture education. As a person who spends much of their time educating, researching, Working towards getting information to others in a concise way we have to be cognizant of people with different learning styles, and that if you want to create more business leaders, entrepreneurs, and/or operators, you cannot, baby feed/ slow feed these type of people.