Assuming everything is working properly and trauma/ mutation hasn’t hijacked your nervous system.
Your microbiota is going to take care of your auxiliary chemistry, faults ingestion and populate throughout your body. Your glymphatic is going to intervene in removing things that negatively affect brain chemistry…
Having a higher level of brain activity from a young age. I was unable to see the negative implications of an environment of sustained brain activity (Gamma wave). The idea that could cause trauma or mutation from over stimulation seemed like a cop out for lack of progress. People in more casual conversation call it “burnout” which i like. What it really is though is deeper it is a disconnect and rejection of self. Highly intelligent and high functioning individuals such as myself (in the past) neglect the other parts of comprehension. There is a scientific component to these “metaphysical” terms people use: understanding is having experienced said thing, over-standing something is having moved bring a concept and finding a better way forward, inner-standing is having an internal meaning and application of said thing for yourself.
What does that have to do with the concepts of the body’s gut-brain relationship or my experience?
I never got to express properly because i was not able to digest properly. The science of ingestion of food, information whether it be artistic and nuisance or raw mathematics is different. The problem of over stimulation doesn’t allow for reabsorption or application so the problem transform. Becoming anxiety, stress, aggression, disconnection, isolation, and many other things masked as hyper focus. At some point your ability to go into REM sleep or Meditative state is disrupted. Productive improvement can and will morph into Survival Mode tendencies if sustained for too long.
Know your own vessel before you take outside advice. Teach the youth to respect their own body once they have a basic knowledge of the organs and how they work. Something’s are innate and intrinsic.
You got pressure or you got combustion; the lack of desire to eat certain foods came from understanding the effort and time it would take for my body to digest. At a young age I could tell what foods would cause me to have sit on the toilet for longer without understanding the inner workings or what to do about my sugar addiction. I was able to tell what foods would take the least time to digest and give me immediate useable energy. The education about sugar, blood and insulin wouldn’t come for about 20 years. The build up though, the problem was the damage being done to my intestines and bowels. Like many people I would eat refined carbohydrates for taste, and starches leading to all ties of issues. My elders and the adults around me told me to eat things to help break down the starch and calcification: meat, yogurt, sauerkraut, soda, seltzer and said it would help. Two problems there was a prohibition on soda in my house (nobody drank seltzer either) and the other was I was lactose intolerant. Thing was a I took in dairy very close to EVERYDAY, you could say it was a third problem. This is where the rubber Mets the road and these things we discussed start connecting— I knew cheese and dairy helped me digest and ferment food. My problem solving skills were in effect but I had not taken into account or factored those barreled into my equation. Diet is an expression rather than an equation to be honest because the blood brain barrier for toxins and hormones varies between individuals. My signal was being interrupted by no one other than myself 🤦🏾♂️.
I had this prevailing thought and practice of removing/ preventing my way out of problems instead adding beneficial things. I would fast (intermittently) and avoid certain foods without understanding that there’s a war going on in my gut. There’s a war going on in your gut. We speak and spread peace, simply protesting war & violence is not going to get it done. I just wanted to let you know that your gut needs reinforcements: enzymes, probiotics and simple foods to return to balance. The war has been started and you either need to send enforcements or remove the opposition. Nothing is more effective than culture though, the environment of your gut is like people’s IT SPREADS. It is up to you to decide what ultimately spreads. Using gluten-free bread instead of regular flour and still eating a bagel every morning is not going to fix your brain fog. Eating impossible meat instead of beef isn’t going to change your sexual tendencies or arousal from food. The brain has to drain or the acid you build from over working… you pick which one.
Or say I’m going to strive for balance 🖖🏾
Joshua Harris
Copyright Addicted 2 Progress 2024
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