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End of the Week, Start of the Strong

Writer's picture: Joshua HarrisJoshua Harris

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

by Joshua Harris


What's going on?! We've officially reached the Second half of the year. As one chapter or section closes... a new section and chapter begins!

I have had some fun this year in different ways. The years prior I have taken the time to sit down on the Internet and have conversations with different people. Also, as always we've all had deep an interesting conversation with people in person.

The difference between these conversations that we're had on the Internet opposed to the ones in person is people seem to be more willing and open to talk about things that are Controversial. As promised, I will be dropping a bunch of these contacts from the first half of the year hear much of it is already available on the other platforms of Twitter Instagram and YouTube.

Today is also Sunday which means is the start of a new week, the second, The second day of June, come on the first Sunday of the second half of the year. I ask, what do you have planned for the back half of the year is the first half going to be better than the second? I'm being biased maybe some don't see it this way?! As a fall baby it just fits I say what my elders say "it's not how you start it's how you finish" that same sentence and sentiment can play a role in the aspect of time in age. That is something I will delve into more later with that being said, nothing will mitigate the accomplishments that you have made and things that you have done. It is important to take cars to give yourself, grace and credit for those things for life is short for eating and we know not how long will be here.

As always, I've been doing a lot of research in conjunction with the work. I've been doing these past couple days. I finally completed what is needed to take these ideas plans, And resources to the next level. We do not all have the same access to capital what we do I have is the ability to communicate like never before. More libraries, digital and physical than any time prior. I had a conversation with a Mr. Felix Nartey from Wikimedia and Open Foundation West Africa super dope!

One of the biggest things that I took away from the conversation was that:

There are other people out here who believe in the concept of "knowledge as a right"

The idea of a copyright was established from British common law and continued in the U.S.


Until you change, the culture of social media, copyright and publishing does not serve people who do not own their platform

People will say "the ability to work with Me (them) is a privilege"

& out the same mouth

People will say "you’re not working hard enough”

I'm here for the fight to change the culture & if you're reading this then I know you're too!

We too, be have to smart In these conversations and not exert ourselves in ways, that will be detrimental to my mental well-being. There are those who get paid to educate people and that is their right! There are also those who act like they care when they really don't! Being able to read access, and understand is very key in succeeding in becoming Strong. The foundation of being a leader, in whatever industry that you operate in.

A true testament of strength is being able to give without the need or pressure to reciprocate.

What does first half of the year has submitted for me is: people are unaware of the amount of influence Others/outsiders, have on what they say they desire. What people actually desire internally, and what they tell others in real life, on the Internet, and to their loved ones is not the same.

I have been trying very hard to not use buzz words. Please. Buzz words often bring extra feedback that can mitigate the message for those with attention disorders in shorter attention span. Even our elders and most diligent have gotten to a point where their attention spans have been shortend and their patients level has insurance.

So here goes the buzz word(s) "high vibrational movements", and "high vibrational conversations", "high vibrational beings." And no I'm not talking about the bees or any marijuana. I'm speaking about the energy that is omitted from the beings.

People don't talk about waves in the same sentence and conversation as food, they say these buzzwords, because why? Well, it's gonna get more attention. Secondly, they don't use the terms waves and the scientific terms because they don't think people will be able to comprehend. Thirdly, (& sadly) many of them do not comprehend how deep this goes....

This phone or computer that you are reading this on or listening to this on is doing so via waves:

  • Sound waves

  • Electrical waves

  • Visible waves

All three of these waves are also omitted from the plants, fruits and vegetables that animals eat. And for those of you that eat meat, the animals that you eat meat from omit those ways.

Actually, you emit these same waves!

Latest information if you did not know that already and I hope that this piece gave you some light way more to come. "This is just the tip of the iceberg. Please don't leave me now" go tell your dad that joke and maybe he'll laugh. I really really have a bunch more to give y'all thing is I have to get back to this other summarizing the "week" now! On top of the other ≈ 20 Other audio clips from space conversations!

... until next time!


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