Joshua C. Harris
Copyright: 2023 Addicted 2 Progress LLC
CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Permitted to by attrition for non-commercial no derivatives allowed)
WIPO- Global Innovation Index 2023:
First Keynote Speaker
PatentPal partnership (Company) Rep
-Patent writing is very mechanical
-Patent attorney industry is slowing
Why "Patent attorneys are engineers"
PatentPal allows you to automate process | 50% provisional patents + 30% non-provisional patents
• Created PatentPal with help of ChatGPT
• 3 years of self-sufficiency before becoming a lawyer
• Patents are around 140 pages globally
• Cost of Patents is stalling innovation- 'we solve this but cutting cost of making a patent'
Jamaican Leader:
A.I. works are going to be rejected
U.K. Leader:
No real changes.. We don't copyright A.I.
Israel Leader:
Dataset vs User Data priority breakdown & comparisons.
Sometimes you can used software to copyright
Terms of Use (for Tech) cannot impede the on fair use
Finland Leader:
Generative A.I. has no place in patenting
Japan Copyright Leader:
Generative A.I is a second/ different than the generation/ utilization of work
Japan Copyright Leader:
Generative A.I. is being used to examine patents here
Korean Leader:
Granting language model A.I. patents
The will evolve (no mention of IP or other copyright)
European Union:
Ran through risks & limitations of A.I.
1. You never share information, not already in public domain | 2. Always quickly assess any response from generative AI for potential bias or inaccurate information | 3. Always critically assess whether the IP laws are being violated by outputs | 4. Never replicate the output in public documents. | 5. Never rely on the models for critical time sensitive processes
Use cases for ai
Conclusion it is a tool
Dominican Republic leader:
Keeping our eye on things... G.I. Is both a labor creator & industry maker
Australia leader: IP Australia (licensed company)
Lot of reasearch
Paradigm is shifting
Dr. Thauller 1st attempt of Ai copyright art: all created by computer
Denied Thauller- Owner | Creator Machine
authorship is required
Mid journey tweak example: not disclaiming the creation software that GENERATED it
China Leader:
Monitoring it very specific laws
Urging companies to make data removable, China has laws on it
Russia Leader:
"Increased Global economy by $4.4 Billion US dollars a year"
Focusing on developing Ai until 2030
Don't want to stunt growth- 9 regimes & legislation being worked on (not much legislation very ambiguous)
Working with scientists to use ai to protect IP & inventions
Atos- Head of IP | France
Important to investigate
Mohammed Lawyer- Egypt
We need rules for users
Rights defined
Platform vs User copyright infringement problem
Biases in the data are not quite taken care off
Privacy issues and prior works being infringed
French- Public Legal Affairs Chair
Ai is diminishing the human process
Ai is using copyrighted content with paying or obtain a license
ROBIC Trademark Lawyer
: in audible
IFPI- Chair
Music remains at the storefront
Everyone wins when people get to invest in human creativity
There needs to be disclosures & record keeping when using third part data to protect from use of copyrighted materials for free
Accountability & Transparency
Japan IP Association:
It's complicated
Google Copyright Council:
Ai is at the core of what we do
LLM : weights & functions to data mined (set)
Caution from regulators (for IP) is also coupled with its ability to merge data... solving problems i.e. healthcare understanding issues with generative ai
Creative Commons:
It hurts copyrights, and it helps copyrights depending on how you look at it. We do licenses.
We are working on a license framework for Developers/ people who do not want their data trained upon
We want capital WIPO help set norms & practices. To increase transparency to continue to innovation
German IP head:
Key question- can generative data be given IP protection
The main question in copyright: is ai a tool or 'corporate being / extension'
There should not be uniform approach for ip law
International Authors Forum:
Ai shouldn't threaten people's ability to make a living wage
Ai can spread unhuman writing and pieces
Ai has biases & imperfections
Kaja Kallas - prime minister of Estonia
Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. - President of Philippines
lead by Daren Tang - Director General WIPO | Host
Mr. Soumitra Dutta, Co-editor of the GII and Dean, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (U.K.)
Ms. Cecilia Zhao, Venture and Growth Investor, Kinnevik Capital, U.K.
Ms. Maria Fernanda Garza, Chair, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and
Chief Executive Officer, Orestia, Mexico
Mr. Tonny K Omwansa, Chief Executive Officer, Kenya National Innovation Agency, Kenya
-WORLD START UP FUNDING DROPPED 40% last year (2022)
-90% of world business is SME
-70% of global hiring
We are also measuring social innovation:
"Grassroots" --> research country ambassador
Indian leader
• Country leader ship needs to prioritize innovation for protection of IP and betterment of citizens
• Create top level institution
• Prioritize digitization -i.e. Government digitization like Estonian government who was the first
Intl. Chamber of Commerce:
Public Official are risk to companies' IP theft
-Kenyan IP leader:
'Africa needs local support & continual outside support'
'Private & Government can coexist'
Host- "crown" of the countries need to prioritize & see importance of IP.
Intl. Chamber of Commerce
-target global challenges (health, climate, biodiversity, poverty)
-ip is a public a safety issue
Kenyan IP leader
-commercialize R&D
-we have to currate & agrugate data
My thoughts will be added later... we will discuss this weekend on discord